
Jobs Available

Senior Appraiser

WSDOT is filling a senior appraiser position in North Central Region. Appraises real property and/or rights in support of acquisitions for transportation purposes, provides appraisals and valuations to sell/lease WSDOT-owned property, prepares valuations for access breaks onto limited access highways, prepares estimates for transportation project feasibility, prepares estimates for right of way project funding, gives valuation analysis support to project engineering offices, manages appraisal consultant contracts. 

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Seeking Employment

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All ads are FREE to Employers looking for Appraisers.  Ads for individuals seeking employment opportunities are free to Members.

Non-Members will be charged $50 per ad, per month.  All other ads will be charged at a rate of $50.00 per month or $250.00 for 12 months when paid in advance.

Ads must be 75 words or less and must be typewritten. You may submit your text via email to Tina Anderson .

Questions? Contact: Tina Anderson, Phone: (702) 838-8489, Email: Tina Anderson